Bathymetry and Coastlines for the gulf of mexico
Bathymetry and Coastlines for the gulf of mexico
Bathymetric data collections
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The site includes currently available bathymetric data in the Gulf of Mexico.
Entire region
•SRTM30PLUS - 30 arc second SRTM Land topography with measure and estimated seafloor topography in the Gulf of Mexico. The data was based on SRTM30_PLUS V6.0
Northern Gulf of Mexico (US)
•Multibeam Bathymetry (MB) - The georeferenced multi-beam full soundings data
➡ ArcInfo point coverage format (MB-Pts)
➡ 50 m gridded data in XYZ format (MB-GRID)
➡ 50 m gridded data in UTM zone (MB-UTM)
•Others - Bathymetry related data in shapefile format (Shapefiles)