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bathymetry (multi-beam soundings points coverage)

Lat/Long/Depth ArcGIS Points coverage archived file (503.4MB)


This archive contains the georeferenced multibeam full soundings. The actual point data file is about 1.76 GB in size and has been compressed with the name "soundings_xyz.tar.gz".

These full soundings (over 31 million point data) are in longitude, latitude, and depth (in meters).  The datum is NAD83.  The data file is in ArcInfo point coverage format.  The point data name is "soundings". “Info” directory is a corresponding directory for the ArcInfo coverage

Disclaimer: All the data have been carefully prepared.  Texas Sea Grant College Program, Texas A&M University, or Geoscience Earth & Marine Services, Inc., (GEMS) assumes no responsibility or liabilities for any reliance on the information presented.

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