Spawning Seasons

as of July 2018

The table below summarizes the estimated spawning season in the Gulf of Mexico for each of 28 species of marine fishes of fishery or conservation importance in the region. Please note that the spawning season of many of these species varies among different areas within the Gulf. For example, Yellowfin Grouper (Mycteroperca venenosa) are reported to spawn from January to June in northwest Cuba and from March to August off the west Florida shelf.

Details and references related to spawning seasonality are provided in the excel sheet summarizing the life history and spawning behavior of all 28 species, which is available for download.

(Click here to download the full dataset in Excel file with notes, metadata, and references included)

Suggested Citation for Data set

Biggs, C., B. Erisman, W. Heyman, S.Kobara, N. Farmer, S. Lowerre-Barbieri, M. Karnauskas, and J. Brenner. (2018). Cooperative monitoring program for spawning aggregations in the Gulf of Mexico: Spawning Seasons. Version 2018.07. Available from GCOOS Web site: