Bathymetry Inventory Map

Only a few fish spawning aggregation sites in the Gulf of Mexico are cited and due to its nature of vulnerability, the map shows one of key elements for studying fish spawning aggregations: bathymetry and habitat information

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(1) Map Extent Tool

(2) Attribute Table Switch

(3) Layer Info Bar

(4) Search and Commpare

(5) Layers List

(6) Click function

(1) Map Extent Tool

Click to Left arrow to go back to previous extent. Right arrow allows to go forward to the next extent.

My Location widget allows to zoom into your location

Home button allows to go back to default map extent

+/- allows to zoom in/out

(2) Attribute Table

A bottom tab allows to open/close an attribute table of layers. It allows to filter datasets and highlight a feature

(3) Layer Information Widgets

Layer List - Open/close Layer list
Legend - Show opened layer's legend
Add Data - This allows to add external map layers from publicly available map services
Basemap Gallary - Change basemap (Default: Imagery with Labels)
Share - To share this map application via Twitter/facebook/Google+/Mail
Tools - This includes Measurement (length/areas), Printing, and Drawing.
About - This project information
GCOOS - GCOOS Disclaimer

(4) Search and Compare

Search - Type an address to zoom in

Select - This allows to select (highlight) layers and offers multiple options

Swipe - This allows to select layers to swipe to compare two layers

(5) Layer List

Turn on/off a layer to show it on a map.
Zoom to - Zoom into a layer
Transparency - Change transparency of this layer
Enable/Disable Pop-up - On/Off Pop-up Window
Move up/down - Change the order of layers
Open Attribute table - Open this layer's attribute table
Show Item Details/Description - Open an overview of this layer or arcgis server directory information page

(6) Pop-up Window

Clicking on a map allows to show a pop-up window of visible layers (Checked layers in the Layer List)